ACOnet CERT: Contact Information
Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7
1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-14045
Core Team
Name | PGP Key-ID | Fingerprint |
Alexander Talos-Zens Team Leader |
0x827B840D | 765B 53F8 48FE 20F0 9BA8 6EB1 827B 840D EB75 F654 |
Michael Beck |
0xB73C9994 | A524 4167 5A66 44E6 396E FD7A 71F3 C606 B73C 9994 |
Fabian Brandstätter |
0x5BD15C7D | BAC3 A092 859A C7CC 1883 3C55 1F72 1029 5BD1 5C7D |
Christoph Campregher |
0x4E7CD646 | DEB9 3FD0 B446 A0B0 20CC 7E55 EA87 0D2B 4E7C D646 |
Markus Raditsch |
0xBE802A19 | 932F 9F1B 4492 6109 5AE5 6402 6F6D 90CD BE80 2A19 |
Additional team members
There are five additional staff members of the Vienna University Computer Center who are involved in security-related activities:
Name | PGP Key-ID | Fingerprint |
Kurt Bauer | 0xC88DE86B | FB86 003C AA87 A097 BD63 008D A80D FDAD C88D E86B |
Peter Brand | 0xF868B59A | 336A 59F9 93C6 34AD 50D6 DBE2 AFF6 0721 F868 B59A |
Harald Michl | 0xB9E4EBDA | 2968 CA54 DE07 0A89 27F3 9FD3 D50F FDB3 B9E4 EBDA |
Michael Perzi | 0xC4D45015 | 4694 BFA2 B327 E171 F322 FBDF A4B8 2D83 C4D4 5015 |
Daniel Schirmer | 0x3011D995 | 214A 2873 BA39 DAEF A0FB 48F3 8842 5D25 3011 D995 |
The Team's PGP Keys
Function/Use | PGP Key-ID | Fingerprint |
ACOnet-CERT Master Signing Key 2022-2032 | 0x210A9CC157BA3117 | 1206 3E55 258F 1AD7 BD39 8057 210A 9CC1 57BA 3117 |
ACOnet-CERT Team Key 2024-2027 | 0xF9AC77F82A9F2398 | 8877 E602 CCDD A9C4 D92C C778 F9AC 77F8 2A9F 2398 |
Brief description of PGP Keys
Confidential messages for a particular member of the team should be encrypted with the individual's PGP Key, while messages sent to the entire team should be encrypted with the Team Key (gets changed annually).
The keys for the team, for the ticket system and the team members' individual keys are signed with the Master Certification Key. The Master Certification Key in turn is signed by the Trusted Introducer, the European service for accreditation of Incident Response Teams.