
eduroam, actually "education roaming", allows users of participating institutions to access the wireless network at other participating organizations using their home institution's credentials. Adminstrative overhead is minimal. Depending on local policies at the visited institutions, eduroam participants may also have additional resources at their disposal.
For further details please visit the international eduroam website.
Technical information is available at the wiki.
eduroam in the city
In July 2015 a test run for eduroam was started for a joint use of parts of the "StadtWien-PublicWiFi" infrastructure provided by the City of Vienna. Initially, eduroam was available at the "Donauinsel" (Danube Island) and subsequently also in the city center of Vienna. Consequently eduroam WiFi is accessible in growing parts of Vienna. More information about " Public WiFi" can be found at the website of the City of Vienna.
Since 2017, eduroam WiFi is also available at public hotspots in Innsbruck and Graz. For details please see the following article (in German), published in ACOnet's Annual Report 2017:
ACOnet JB-2017 eduroam.pdf(186 kB)
As of April 2019, it is possible to use eduroam at 25 CityWLAN access points in downtown Klagenfurt. More information can be found in the following article (in German), published in ACOnet's Annual Report 2019:
ACOnet JB-2019 eduroam.pdf(79 kB)
Hint for newcomers
Basically it is recommended to try out your eduroam configuration first of all at your home organization (the university or educational institution where you are registered resp. employed). Hence, in case of any connection problems you still have a local internet connection and you can ask for help in your institution. In most instances eduroam will work at other locations if it worked at your home organization.
To avoid connection problems at other locations, always use your full username in the form UserID@organisation (for example to log in. For the exact form and notation of your UserId and organization please check with your organization's computer center.
Tips in case of problems
If you can't connect to eduroam at one of the listed organizations, please follow these steps:
- Check your WiFi and encryption settings. Make use of the configuration guides on the website of the respective organization (e.g. WLAN-Anleitung der Universität Wien).
- Contact the support of your home organization. They can test local settings and check your authentication.
- If there are no problems on the part of your home organization, it is probably a local issue. Please contact local support at the organization you are visiting.