
The ACOnet/VIX team is looking for an IT System Administrator. All details can be found on the Job Portal of the University of Vienna.


The Internet Domain Administration team is looking for an IT System Administrator with a focus on IT Security and Information Security Management. All details can be found on the Job Portal of the University of Vienna.


The conference is designed to bring together security professionals and will take place from 8-10 April 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic. Registration is already open.


Like all our Annual Reports, the latest issue is freely available as a PDF. We will gladly send printed copies free of charge upon request.


Welcome to ACOnet!

ACOnet is the Austrian National Research and Education Network (NREN) for science, research, education, art and culture. It is operated by the Vienna University Computer Center, in co-operation with other universities in Austria.

ACOnet provides a nation-wide fibre optic backbone with high-performance access to international academic networks via GÉANT, as well as to the Internet. Furthermore, ACOnet offers its members various target-group-specific services to support research projects and communities.

ACOnet and COVID-19:

The ACOnet team is working from the home office again since 19 November 2021. Our availability has not changed, however. You can reach us Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 17:00, CEST; preferably by e-mail but also by phone (see contact information). In the case of an emergency you may also call us outside our office hours and leave a message. If necessary, we will call back swiftly.

ACOnet Annual Report 2023

Our Annual Report 2023 offers an overview (in German) of infrastructural improvements and new services, reviews of last year's events, and informative guest contributions on projects of ACOnet participants. We wish you an interesting read! 

Some topics:

  • Was lange währt: ACOnet-Backbone 2023+
  • Trusted Certificate Service: Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser
  • NIS-Gesetz - oder: "Wo sollen wir bloß anfangen?"
  • aaron's law: Wir haben Geschichten erzählt
  • Nationale Grenzen im World Wide Web - Archivierung einer Domain-Landschaft


ACOnet now has a 100G backbone

The technological renewal of our backbone network, which had been prepared over several years, and the additional ACOnet Point of Presence (PoP) Eisenstadt 2 were completed on schedule and without operational interruption in the summer of 2023. The last open issue, the new PoP Vienna 10, was finalized in December 2023. This means we once again have a future-proof, flexibly expandable network infrastructure. Moreover, 100G participant connections are now possible at all major ACOnet PoPs (Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg, Vienna).
