Home | Services & Tools | ac.at Domains
last change: June 03, 2024


The ac.at domain is administrated as a service of the University of Vienna by the austrian NREN ACOnet. Therefore domains under .ac.at must be requested from this institution. An ACOnet participation is not required for the domain application.

If needed, the University of Vienna also provides a Secondary Domain Name Service for domains under .ac.at at ns5.univie.ac.at.

Information about the conditions of allocation and the current fee for ac.at domains is available in German:

Allocation of domains

  • ac.at: Please use our webform for domain applications, updates and cancellations.

  • sth.ac.at: Domains under .sth.ac.at are exclusively assigned to dormitories with an ACOnet-participating responsible organization. For application or updates of a sth.ac.at domain please contact noc@aco.net.

  • gv.at: The allocation of .gv.at domains is carried out exclusively by the Austrian Federal Chancellery. More information (in German) is available at MA01 (Information and Communications Technology for the City of Vienna). For the assignment of .gv.at domains, please contact domainverwaltung-gv-at@bka.gv.at.

  • at: For domains under .at, .co.at and .or.at we refer to the Austrian registry nic.at.


In case of further questions concerning domains please contact:

T: +43 1 4277 14277