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last change: June 06, 2024

Web Portal

The login area ("Web Portal"), accessible by Portal at top right of ACOnet's webpages, offers additional services for ACOnet participants:

  • Participant data shows detailed technical and administrative information.
  • The User Profile lists the membership in user groups as well as the other members in these groups, and provides their mail addresses. Additionally, a view of subscribed mailing lists is implemented.
  • News and information about the Working Groups are also available at the login area.
  • The possibility of a personal registration to ACOnet events is given by the Event Manager.
  • The Network area includes ACOnet statistics and security tools.

Portal Account

ACOnet participants' IT staffers are invited to apply for a portal account to get access to the afore-mentioned services.

Please fill in the form (see below) completely with your full name, participating organization, and personal data, and mail it to webmaster(at)aco.net. We will then ask your organization's administrative contact (according to the ACOnet Participation Agreement) to confirm that your portal access should be set up.

Please note: If your organization operates an eduID.at Identity Provider (IdP), you should use your federated account for portal access. To do this, you need to enter your ePPN (eduPersonPrincipalName) in the application form. If you do not know your ePPN, please log in at the eduID.at Demo Service with your institutional account. After logging in, your ePPN will be displayed there, among other things.